The Henson Journals

Mon 2 July 1917

Volume 21, Pages 92 to 93


Monday, July 2nd, 1917.

1064th day

Much perturbed as to my best course with George's agreement. There is something rather terrible about signing away a boy's liberty of action for 4 years. In this case I have inevitably drifted into larger responsibility than I like, for of course, his people credit me with vastly more influence than I possess. Add that the matter is farther complicated by my regard for the boy himself, which makes me more than commonly anxious that he should have a fair start. More than that no man can give him. Once started he must stand on his own feet, & take his chance. George brought me the Indenture of Apprenticeship duly signed by his father & himself: & I forwarded them to Lawrence Holt with the following letter:–

My dear Holt,

I return George's Indenture duly signed by his father & himself. Into the space noted for the purpose I have written in the clause "and of a ship's officer", as that seemed requisite to cover the case of a midshipman who, to use your own excellent phrase, is "an officer in embryo". I thought it best to leave the document undated, as your convenience may be concerned in the matter. George is being coached in mathematics & trigonometry, so that I trust he will be able to "take on" satisfactorily. If there is anything else which needs doing in order to give the boy a fair start, I hope you will let me know, & I shall be pleased to do it. Once fairly started, he must stand on his own feet, & take his chance, but I feel myself bound to see him started. By the favour of Heaven & his own good service, I hope to see him develop into an excellent officer who will do you credit. You mentioned a sum of £5. for his use on the voyage, presumably as pocket–money, & you said it shd be entrusted to the ship's master. Shall I send it to you? or had I better give it to George, & tell him to hand it over himself? How much ought he to have weekly? I have no notion how long the voyage lasts. I was much interested to see the announcement that your Firm has made a great purchase of ships. It wd have amused you to see George's excitement. I think he regards

[93] himself as concerned in the arrangement! Such is the prerogative of youth, creating its own monopolies & dreaming its own dreams. Once more, my dear Holt, let me thank you for your friendly willingness to let me bother you in this way. Be sure that I appreciate it much both for the boy's sake, & my own.

Yours ever,

H. Hensley Henson.

The Bishop of Jarrow lent me some copies of the "Balkan News" from which I was able to form some notion of the "theological views" which have proved fatal to Mr Todd's tenure of his chaplaincy with the Salonikan Army. He is accused of having "made a direct attack on the doctrine of our redemption by the death of our Saviour Jesus Christ". His article "was read with amazement & indignation. Paragraph after paragraph were blunt denials of the most cherished articles of our faith as Christians. Our redemption by the shedding of Christ's Blood was a mere "legal fiction", a "commercial transaction". The justice, nay, the very possibility of vicarious suffering, even by a voluntary victim was denied. To say that our Lord assumed the punishment due to our sins, & that His Eternal Father let it fall upon Him, & accepted it as our ransom is "blasphemous". There is "not a word in the Bible to support it". Heaven and Hell are denied – there are no such places – they are mere "conditions of character". Faith is useless – we are not saved by it! All this is not very impressive, while the animus of the accuser is but too evident. "The writer signs himself "Padre", so here is one appointed to teach our soldiers the accepted Christian truths according to the recognized tenets of one Christian sect or another, attempting to rob the Atonement of the very essence of its meaning. He has betrayed his trust. We were shocked. Surely a strong protest against this outrage against our faith wd appear forthwith. But no – what was everybody's business was nobody's business. We looked for a speedy retractation, but found only a weak attempt to justify it." This language has a very fanatical ring, & seems adapted to introduce some actual persecution.