The Henson Journals
Mon 25 June 1917
Volume 21, Page 84
Monday, June 25th, 1917.
1057th day
I finished reading Thornton's Conduct & the Super–natural". The concluding chapter on "The sex ideal" is based avowedly on Foerster's "Marriage & the Sex Problem", and represents the modern Roman view. There is an energetic defence of celibacy & monasticism. The author does not realize that these have been tried, disproved, and rejected. It is a piquant association that these neo–Tractarians present – feminism combined with asceticism. I attended Mattins & Evensong: walked to the station to inquire for the missing consignment of tea: got caught in a heavy thunderstorm: wrote many letters. Tom Yeoman came to copy extracts from the Warden's Journal. Robertson writes to say that he is sending a package of letters to be looked over. The material is getting bulky, but its quality is not, biographically regarded, good.