The Henson Journals

Thu 21 June 1917

Volume 21, Page 81


Thursday, June 21st, 1917.

1053rd day

I received the Holy Communion in S. Gregory's Chapel, and wrote a short article for the "Sunday Pictorial" on "The War and Convention". Then I attended the Committee of Chapter on the subject of coal supplies for the college during the coming winter. George came in to show me a letter he had received from the shipping firm, and I kept him to lunch, & gave him a copy of "Rob Roy". The boy is certainly taking a great place in my thoughts, but he will be off to sea, if all goes well, by the beginning of August. Mrs Soltau–Simmons came to lunch. Ella and I went to Dryburn, & had tea with the Darwins, with whom were a relative, Mr Lloyd–Baker, and Mrs Ball. On our return to the Deanery, I found a letter from Mr Hider, one of the choirmen of S. Margaret's, Westminster, telling me that his son, Leslie, had been killed in battle. I wrote to Temple, asking him to send me a ticket for his much–advertised meeting in the Queen's Hall on July 16th, adding that I thought he & his friends were altogether on the wrong tack when they sought "Liberty in the Church" along the way of Disestablishment.