The Henson Journals

Thu 14 June 1917

Volume 21, Page 76


Thursday, June 14th, 1917.

1046th day

A destructive air raid on London is reported. The clamour for "reprisals" will become more insistent. It does raise a casuistic question of some difficulty, though I am inwardly persuaded that nothing but sophistry can justify approval of mere tit–for–tat outrages, apart from any military reason. I received the Holy Communion in S. Gregory's Chapel. Dennett was the celebrant, and troubled me by some new displays of ceremonialism. I attended Mattins, & afterwards spent an hour with Miss Anson discussing the Warden's "Life". Mr Dolphin came to lunch. I attended Evensong, after which George came to consider the letter from Mr Holt which arrived this morning. I wrote to say that if the Holt's would take George later, he would decline the sailing ship's proposal. After tea, we all walked for an hour & then Mayor Lowe came to dinner. His son, Ralph, has been gassed in the recent action.