The Henson Journals

Sat 9 June 1917

Volume 21, Page 71


Saturday, June 9th, 1917.

1041st day

I attended Mattins, and afterwards spent some time in writing a long letter to Mr Joynson–Hicks on the proposed amendments to the Archbishops' Report which a conference of "Liberals & Evangelicals" have drafted. Then George came to clean up my room. Ella went off first in order to interview a possible house–maid in Newcastle. I followed by a later train, George carrying my bag to the station. Of course I missed the connexion for Hexham, as the train arrived 20 minutes late in Newcastle, but we did finally meet at the house of the Rector of Hexham, Canon Savage. He has but recently returned from Salonika, of which he gives a depressing account. The health conditions are the worst in the world, and the topographical features of the country appear to be so difficult as to make any military progress impossible.