The Henson Journals

Thu 7 June 1917

Volume 21, Page 70


Thursday, June 7th, 1917.

1039th day

Really the only achievement this day is the election of Edgar Dobbie to a King's Scholarship (£50.). I read his papers: interviewed Cruickshank, Fairley, & Budworth: & finally proposed him for election to the Chapter. Happily the boy has commended himself to everybody, & his election was welcomed. The fact is important as representing a serious effort to give reality to the preference allotted in our statutes to deserving choirboys. If Dobbie acquits himself well, he may make the arrangement pleasing to the School. I attended Mattins & Evensong. Walking with Logic after tea, I fell in with Colonel Darwin, & strolled with him for more than an hour. The day which began with rain ended in brilliant sunshine. I have never seen the cathedral & banks reflected in the river more wonderfully. Old Miss Crawhall, an amiable virgin residing in the Banks, is reported to have died. She was an excellent good creature & will be lamented. I attended a meeting of the Library Committee. There was little business, & we soon made an end of it. The morning post brought me from the author a copy of "The Invasion & the War in Belgium from Liege to the Yser, with a sketch of the Diplomatic Negotiations preceding the Conflict by Leon van der Essen, Professor of History in the University of Louvain". He writes from Oxford, where he resides as a refugee.