The Henson Journals

Wed 23 May 1917

Volume 21, Page 53


Wednesday, May 23rd, 1917.

1024th day

A beautiful morning grew into a warm day and a sultry afternoon ending with clouds and rain. I wrote letters most of the morning, finding time, however, to go to the post office, & take out a motor car licence (£4.4.0), and to inspect the Banks with the Bishop of Jarrow & Bayley. I attended Evensong, & then made some preparation for the Whitsuntide sermon, but the thunderous atmosphere made intellectual effort burdensome, & after writing a few letters I desisted. Macartney paid his official visit to the Cathedral, but I missed him save for a few minutes before Evensong. He says that Brown is growing feeble, & unequal to his work. We shall have to consider pensioning him off, but until this thrice–accursed War is ended we can do nothing. The little man Payne is no longer accessible, & may not survive the military service he strove to avoid!