The Henson Journals

Wed 2 May 1917

Volume 21, Page 34


Wednesday, May 2nd, 1917.

1003rd day

Another glorious day, more suggestive of July than of May. But so far as my work goes, it was frittered away. I attended Mattins, during which Clarence Stock took his departure. Gilbert Darwin lunched here, and afterwards walked with me, bringing me to Dryburn, where I had tea with Mrs Darwin. Ella joined me there. As we walked back to the Deanery, we observed that there was great activity on the allotments. Dolphin called after dinner to ask us to attend an entertainment arranged by the Belgian Workers at Birtley on the 15th. inst. He expressed scepticism as to the alleged shortage of wheat, and said that he was sure few people believed the alarming declarations of ministers.