The Henson Journals

Sat 28 April 1917

Volume 21, Page 29


Saturday, April 28th, 1917.

999th day

A blustering day with relatively high temperature. I worked without a fire. The "Times" contains a letter from Horton enclosing a long letter from the Archbishop of C. addressed to himself, but obviously designed for publication. His Grace is almost effusively polite, but the severity of his rejoinder cannot be screened by any civility. So far as I am concerned, Horton's defence consists of the feeblest verbal quibble, which is hardly worth noting, & in point of fact shall be left alone. I attended Mattins, wasted another morning over the Anson letters, which however were interesting. After lunch I attended Evensong, & walked round Houghall Wood with Logic. At tea–time Lewis Dunroche Smith, (2nd Lieut. 3rd Btn Black Watch) arrived from Ripon. I showed him the Cathedral. The Precentor played in order that he should hear the organ, as he professed a fondness for music.