The Henson Journals

Fri 20 April 1917

Volume 21, Page 24


Friday, April 20th, 1917.

991st day

A beautiful fine day, definitely spring–like, infinitely welcome. I wrote to Ernest before breakfast. Ella went to Newcastle, and did not return until late in the afternoon. I continued my reading of the Warden's journal until lunch–time. After lunch I went to the potato–patch, and laboured there until tea–time. Freeman started planting the potatoes in so much of the ground as had been prepared. After Mattins I expounded to Watkins my project for filling the screen with figures, & removing the chancel screen. He professed approval, but his face darkened ominously, & I felt sure that he would privily labour to upset the project! Fisher's speech in the House of Commons last night when introducing the educational proposals of the Government is said to have been a great personal triumph. For two hours he held the attention of his audience, & was much complimented in all quarters when he resumed his seat.