The Henson Journals

Thu 5 April 1917

Volume 21, Page 12


Maundy Thursday, April 5th, 1917.

976th day

About midday snow began to fall again, & continued falling until night–fall. I celebrated Holy Communion at 8 a.m., and attended both Mattins & Evensong. My main business was the preparation of notes for the men's service in Leeds tomorrow. I have but the haziest notion what is expected of me, but I assume that hymns & the address form the main part of the proceedings. The severe weather makes exercise out of doors impossible. Ella & I walked for an hour in the great Library. It was better than nothing. I wrote to Marion. The morning post brought me a long letter from Ernest, giving a detailed account of the journey from the camp at Abergele to Salonica. He is evidently enjoying his experiences, & taking note of everything he sees. His mind is receptive & eager: he has an almost childish eagerness to communicate his feelings & impressions: he writes with ardour & simplicity.