The Henson Journals

Fri 15 December 1916

Volume 20, Page 158


Friday, December 15th, 1916.

865th day


A bright frosty day, cold and beautiful as Minerva. I attended Mattins: and then walked to the school, and had some talk with Budworth about Arthur Morgan.

The Rev. R. D. R. Greene C. F. Senior Chaplain, Tyne Garrison, called to see me about the 'Dockers', who are to be placed in Durham, and who are apparently connected with the Tyne Garrison. I offered a parade in the Cathedral as before.

I walked with him to the Golf– course: and on my return wrote a number of letters.

The Westminster Gazette comments on the late Premier's ecclesiastical appointments. No less than 19 bishops (including an archbishop) were appointed by Mr Asquith.

High Churchmen Low Churchmen Broad Churchmen
1. Winchester (Talbot) 1. Bristol (Nickson) 1. Birmingham (R. Wakefield)
2. Exeter (Cecil) 2. Chelmsford (Watts D.) 2. Norwich (Pollock)
3. Lichfield (Kempthorne) 3. Peterboro (Woods) 3. Southwark (Burge)
4. Lincoln (Hicks) 4. Ripon (Drury) 4. Newcastle (Wilde)
5. Oxford (Gore) 5. Sodor & Man (Thompson)
6. S. Edmundsbury & Ipswich (Hodgson)
7. Salisbury (Ridgeway)
8. Truro (Burrows)
9. York (Lang)
10. Sheffield (Burrows)

The Deans of S. Paul's and Durham were appointed by the same Prime Minister. They at least are ^not^ High Churchmen.