The Henson Journals
Mon 13 November 1916
Volume 20, Page 238
Monday, November 13th, 1916.
833rd day
A beautiful but almost excessively warm day. The "Times" announces an increase in price. For the future we are to pay 1 1/2d. for Lord Northcliffe's journal. It is hinted that this is but a first step to more advances! I attended Mattins, and then spent some time with the Bishop of Jarrow in considering the best situation for the picture which Mr Spence has presented. The morning was frittered away in writing cheques for many little bills, in writing to Ernest, and in seeing Hughes about Cathedral matters. I attended Evensong, & then went with Ella to the foolishest meeting in the world got up by two bungling women – Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bousey. Colonel Darwin came to tea. I wrote to Marion for her birthday. This for all needful purposes has been a dies non.