The Henson Journals

Wed 1 November 1916

Volume 20, Page 262


Wednesday, November 1st, 1916. Oxford.

821st day

I left Durham by the 9.47 a.m. train, and travelled comfortably to Oxford, changing only at Banbury. I arrived in the Warden's Lodgings at All Souls, shortly before 5 p.m. My journey was relieved by the company of a young officer, 2nd Lieut: Norman Piper, who came from Sunderland, & had been in the congregation at Christ Church last Sunday morning. I had some conversation with Frank about the late Warden's 'Life...' Graham Harrison came to dinner, and a junior Fellow named Rawson, who is now employed in munitions manufacture at Middlesborough. I was pleased to see young Edward Pember, back from Egypt, and as fit as a fiddle. He is now engaged in studying the art of flying, & is stationed in Queen's. He more resembles his mother than his father: wears spectacles: has plenty of self–confidence: & is a promising lad.