The Henson Journals

Tue 29 August 1916

Volume 20, Page 424


Tuesday, August 29th, 1916.

757th day

Still that odious Article: and I like less & less what I have written. I stuck at it all morning: walked with Logic after lunch: attended Mattins and Evensong: & wrote a little letter to the "Times" under the heading "A contrast and a protest". The contrast is that between the general disgust expressed at the proposal to take a film of the Cabinet for exhibition in the Cinematograph shews; & the general approval expressed of the films of the Battle of the Somme, in which the slaughter of British soldiers is portrayed most vividly. The protest was against the last as repugnant to all right feeling. After dinner Ella & I had all lights up in the drawing–room & kitchen in order to test the darkening devices which we have arranged. We went out into the college, & were on the whole satisfied that the Zepps would not get much assistance from the Deanery windows. Olive's absence is painfully evident in the pleasant interval after dinner, when she was wont to sing. What a delectable gift that grace of singing is!