The Henson Journals

Thu 13 July 1916

Volume 20, Page 486


Thursday, July 13th, 1916.

710th day

Most of the Deans attended the Holy Communion in the Cathedral. Hutton celebrated very reverently. His voice is clear & pleasing, & he has no aggressive "tricks". After breakfast we assembled in the Drawing–room for the conference. The discussion was curiously informal & desultory. Saving the Dean of Wells, I think every one expressed some degree of doubt and discontent as to the National Mission. Strong brought forward the question of the projected Dictionary of Patristic Greek. I moved a resolution, which Moor[e] Ede seconded, & which ran thus:

That the Deans assembled in conference at Peterborough have heard with great satisfaction that a Dictionary of Patristic Greek has been projected, & hopes that the project will be carried through successfully, & that as far as possible it may be supported by Deans & Chapters.

After the Conference we were all photographed in the garden. Then I went to see Hutton's hired house, which is charming, & has a delightful garden. Then followed luncheon at the Deanery, and, after that, a rapid dispersing of the company. Ella returned to London, there to visit her friend Mrs Webbe. I went back to Durham, having the company of the Dean of Worcester as far as Darlington, where I changed trains. I arrived in the Deanery about 8.30 p.m., and there busied myself with correspondence until the arrival of Caröe, who came shortly after 11 p.m. Among my letters awaiting me here was another long screed from Victor Horsley, fanatical enough but perhaps somewhat less offensively truculent than before. I wrote several cheques, and sent them off to the claimants.