The Henson Journals

Tue 4 July 1916

Volume 20, Page 504


Tuesday, July 4th, 1916.

701st day

We left Durham by the 8.20 a.m. express, and travelled to Birchington where we arrived shortly after 7 p.m. In London I succeeded in getting to a barber for his necessary & long over–due ministry. The weather was overcast, & became sultry. I read a book which was sent me by the publisher – "Love's Inferno" by Dr Edward Stilgebauer. The author is described as "a famous German author", and 'a native of Frankfurt'. The book does undoubtedly adopt an attitude more critical of the Kaiser than could be tolerable in Germany at present. In the train from Victoria there was a young naval officer, who was on his way to join his ship at Sheerness. He had been one of the company of the Canopus, the slow–moving vessel which was sent to reinforce the ill–fated squadron of Admiral Cradock.