The Henson Journals

Mon 24 April 1916

Volume 20, Page 654


Easter Monday, April 24th, 1916.

630th day

I did not go to the early Celebration, being re–actionary, depraved, and "Mondayish" after the fervours & labours of the Festival! This is the shadow on all extraordinary efforts! They breed a listlessness, which may become an ebb–tide carrying far out from the shore. I laboured at, and completed: a very poor sermon for St George's Windsor. The poor thing oscillates between the lecture–room and the platform, never reaching the pulpit for an instant! And I haven't the least notion of the quality of the congregation, or of the acoustics of the nave, or of the conditions of the preaching! After lunch I walked with Linetta through Houghall Wood, stopping at Mountjoy Farm on the way to pay 5/6 for the potatoes, sent to the Deanery some while ago. I attended Evensong. As there were many holiday–folks in the Cathedral, I had a verse of the National Anthem sung after the service. The Bishop of Newcastle, with his wife, chaplain, & 2 boys, came in to tea; and went over the house. We dined with the Lillingtons to meet Mr Barclay who is visiting them.

The Bishop of Newcastle is evidently not favourable to the Mission, from which none the less he conceives himself unable to dissociate himself. I told him that the Bishops ought to put a bridle on the jaws of Watts–Ditchfield, if they would prevent the Mission from becoming ludicrous.

Arthur Robinson, of All Hallows, Barking, has been appointed by the archbishop of Canterbury (with whom for this turn the appointment lay) a Canon of Canterbury, in succession to Canon Danks, whose death was announced a few days ago. His Grace will be more closely invested than ever by the Robinson family, with their blend of Evangelical unction, & sacerdotal assumption!