The Henson Journals

Mon 20 December 1915

Volume 20, Page 543


Monday, December 20th, 1915.

504th day

I walked with Fawkes before lunch, & had much talk with him. He says that the Chapter at Hereford is not favourably regarded by the clergy of the diocese: that they actively dislike Bannister & Lillie [Lilley], practically ignore Rashdall, & regard Streeter with a mild hostility! The saying passes on men's lips in Hereford: "We respect the Bishop, but don't like him. We like the Dean, but don't respect him". An ill proverb! We spoke of 'Fasting Communion', & Fawkes said that he had noticed in the course of his life as a Roman priest that the rigid rule of fasting before Mass bore directly on the too–frequent vice of drunkenness. Priests, feeling faint from want of food, had recourse to whiskey as a 'pick–me–up': & so by degrees fell into the habit of excess. It is not surprising. Nature has a habit of asserting itself in surprising ways against the violences done to it in the name of Religion. The Bishop of Jarrow dined with us. He was fresh from the Ordination at Bishop Auckland yesterday. Some of the candidates, in spite of his express admonitions, had insisted on fasting until the whole long service had been completed. Surely this was a proceeding as little reasonable in itself, as edifying in its effects. These men had been trained at Kelham. Eight deacons were ordained, and there was only one of them who had a degree! 'Clerus Anglicanus stupor mundi!' [The Anglican clergy are the stupid of the world.] I gather from Fawkes that the social quality of the Roman priests is generally very low; & the intellectual standard often contemptible. The Precentor & his wife also came to dinner: I sent copies of my "War–time Sermons" to the Bp. of Jarrow & Mrs Quirk.