The Henson Journals

Sat 4 December 1915

Volume 20, Page 513


Saturday, December 4th, 1915.

488th day

The land was white with snow when day broke, but most of it had disappeared by nightfall before a cold drizzle which penetrated the bones. I presided at a Chapter Meeting. We did little business beyond agreeing to proceed with the reparation of the tower–vaulting, and voting £20 to the Mayor's Belgian fund. Then I shewed Compston over our buildings until lunch–time. Ella brought several people to lunch. I did not identify them, but believe them to be connected with the S.P.G.! We attended Evensong. Shortly afterwards General Gaisford arrived for the week–end. He had a sorrowful legend to tell about M. which seemed much on his mind. There came to dinner Mrs Bell, Commander & Mrs Cooper, and Mrs Lowe. I wrote to Kathleen urging her to visit us.