The Henson Journals

Wed 27 October 1915

Volume 20, Page 463


Wednesday, October 27th, 1915.

450th day

I worked at the difficult sermon for All Soul's Day, & succeeded in drafting a reference to Compton: it remains to say something about Anderson, Hulton, and Radcliffe, – all young men, & killed at the front. Percy Elliot appeared in due course, and succeeded in carrying us without disaster from Durham to Stockton, where I made a speech & Ella opened a Sale of Work, to Sunderland, where I made another speech to a gathering of Wesleyans in the Victoria Hall, & back to Durham. We had tea with Major & Mrs Vaux, who afterwards accompanied us to the meeting. He told me that as President of the Golf Club, he was now confronted with a rather delicate matter. The officials complained of the behaviour of six Roman priests, members of the Club, whose potations, gluttony, & behaviour gave general offence! This throws rather an ugly light on the personnel of the Roman priesthood in Sunderland.