The Henson Journals

Fri 8 October 1915

Volume 20, Page 431


Friday, October 8th, 1915.

431st day

A most beautiful morning drew us out of doors after breakfast. Beyond writing a few letters, & reading the papers, I did nothing until we went to the Vicarage to lunch with Mr & Mrs Serres. After lunch Ella & I walked to Quex Park, and called on Major and Mrs Powell–Cotton. We were shewn the hospital which has been established in their house. Yet another letter of protest against my S. Nicholas sermon arrived. The writer describes himself as 'a Socialist & Peace Advocate until this war', and says that 'Germany has aroused one's hate–blood that will never die in this world.' He trusts that I am patriot enough to side with my race! It would not take much to make these people condone the same brutal outrages when inflicted on Germans as they most rightly execrate when committed by Germans.