The Henson Journals

Tue 5 October 1915

Volume 20, Page 427


Tuesday, October 5th, 1915.

428th day

The weather has become stormy and wet. I spent the morning in writing letters, among them one to Guest–Williams, who has lost his son in the recent fighting, and one to Linetta, who is now settled in Florence for awhile. I got shaved in the village, for by some mischance my shaving tackle was left in London, & then I called on the Rector, and offered to preach for him next Thursday, when the Harvest Thanksgiving is observed in his church. After lunch Marion and I walked on the cliffs, but the wind and rain soon sent us home again. I wrote letters to Alan Radford, Charley Cunninghame, and Cummings. Serres, the Rector, called, & undertook to post them.