The Henson Journals

Mon 27 September 1915

Volume 20, Page 413


Wednesday, September 27th, 1915.

420th day

At last we have reports of a successful offensive on the Western front: & we begin again to indulge the hopes which we have almost succeeded in banishing form our minds. Even the situation in the Balkans has somewhat brighter aspect for the perfidious Ferdinand is said to be finding opposition from among his subjects, and to have been unprepared for the prompt action of Greece. The Russians continue to hold their own, and the time–limit of military operations draws daily nearer. I received by the morning post a very kind letter from Prof: Edward Moore of Harvard. He writes with emotion about the war, in which he thinks America ought to take part. "Why should England fight our battle?" I drafted sundry resolutions for the Chapter on October 16th, and took them to the Chapter clerk's office: I attended Evensong, walked with Logic, & wrote letters to Ella & Mary Radford.