The Henson Journals

Thu 16 September 1915

Volume 20, Page 393


Thursday, September 16th, 1915.

409th day

Robertson went off to Scotland after breakfast. I laboured at a sermon for the Gateshead Freemasons. Ella & I walked in the country after Evensong. Old Greenwell was sitting out on the College lawn when we started. He is 96 years old, & fully alive to everything that happens. When we reached the Deanery we found luggage in the hall. It was speedily followed by the owners, Ralph & Kitty, who had arrived by an earlier train than they had intended & announced. Christian Caröe also arrived before she was expected, & had to make her way from the station without guidance. Ralph says that Haldane, with whom he has been staying, shewed him the memorandum which he presented to the Cabinet on returning from his famous visit to Berlin. There can be no doubt of Haldane's good faith, but clearly he was fooled. His aged mother, a fine old Scotchwoman of the Covenanting type, who at the age of 90 still rules the house, takes his political fall most philosophically, & professes a robust confidence in the issue of the War, which is in itself stimulating.