The Henson Journals

Mon 6 September 1915

Volume 20, Page 375


Monday, September 6th, 1915.

399th day

I presided at a small special Chapter. Knowling & Lillingston were the only canons present. We agreed that I should arrange with the contractor to have the plaister placed on the vaulting. We had arranged to take our guests to Finchale after lunch, but the chauffeur whom Laidler sent was totally incompetent, & broke down as soon as we started! So we walked for an hour & a half by the river to 'Old Durham', and back on the other side. After dinner I read some poetry to the company. Faber's "Old Labourer", and Dobson's 'Prayer of the Swine to Circe' were new to the Charnwoods. They admired both properly.