The Henson Journals

Mon 30 August 1915

Volume 20, Page 363


Monday, August 30th, 1915.

392nd day


"Religion itself is apt to come to terms with the temper of the day. Immorality is thrust into the background. Christian civilization takes the place of the Kingdom of God; & morality, that of eternal life. The Churches chatter progress, & the secular & clerical arm are linked together in the interests of sanctified worldliness."

(Father Tyrrell 'Xity at the Crossroads' p. 156)

I read through this book. It is very brilliant, & almost painfully interesting, but it does not satisfy me. A vein of almost insolent paradox runs through it. After all, the Roman Church today has a far closer likeness to that proud hierarchical system which Jesus defied, & which destroyed Him, than to Jesus Himself. Liberal Protestantism is pretty wide of the truth in its interpretation of the Lord, but it is much nearer than Roman Modernism. I attended Evensong; took Logic for a walk through Houghall wood; & wrote letters to my brother in India, and also to Raleigh, now settled in his new house in Oxford.