The Henson Journals

Sat 31 July 1915

Volume 20, Page 313


Saturday, July 31st, 1915.

362nd day

Olive was married in the Cathedral to George Blakey. We lunched with Knowling in order to leave the Deanery free for the marriage guests. Then we drove to Belmont, where I 'dedicated' colours for the Girl Guides, whom Penelope Pemberton governs with sage rigour, and made them a speech. From Belmont I went to the Market Place in Durham, and took part in a Recruiting Meeting. The Mayor presided, Lord Durham & I were the speakers. Col. Darwin told me afterwards that 17 recruits joined after the meeting! General Gainsford arrived to spend the night. Major Vane Tempest, that queer little papist connexion of the Londonderry's who commands the artillery here, came to dinner. The General was sent to the front to make the round of trenches, & see how the war actually was being conducted. His account of things was very interesting. I note that he holds that an attempt at invasion is more than probable, and by no means to be considered unimportant.