The Henson Journals

Mon 19 July 1915

Volume 20, Page 291


Monday, July 19th, 1915.

350th day

I came away after breakfast. West came to the station to see me off. Arrived in London, I went immediately to the Athenaeum, & picked up my letters. Then I went to Dean's Yard, and recovered my bag: and had some talk with Pearce. I lunched at 16 Hans Road with Mrs Bovey & her daughters. Clara came thither, & Eleanor Fleet. Also three Canadian soldiers, of whom one was recovering from "gas". After lunch I took Clara to the Kensington Museum to see the Serbian sculptures, which are barbaric in feeling, but powerful & genuine. Here we were picked up by Maclagan, who walked with us for half an hour, explaining with much insight & knowledge the various objects. Then I picked up my wife & the combined baggage & we took our way to Winchester, in order to spend a few days with Mr & Mrs George Dennistoun. We arrived shortly after 6 p.m.