The Henson Journals

Thu 15 July 1915

Volume 20, Page 275


Thursday, July 15th, 1915.

346th day

[small drawing of a hillock with a French flag on top in margin]

I attended the Holy Communion in S. Anselm's Chapel. Wace celebrated, taking the 'North end', and reading both the prayers after the Administration. When so rigid a legalist breaks the rubric, who can deny that 'the game of law & order is up'? Instead of going to Mattins in the Cathedral, Ralph and I walked and talked in the Archdeacon's garden. Then we attended the Conference of Deans in the Cathedral Library. For two hours we discussed some rather petty matters, and then were photographed in the Deanery garden. The functions were ended by a luncheon in the Deanery. Ralph, Kitty and I travelled to London together. I went to Dean's Yard to be there until Saturday. At the Athenaeum I found a bundle of letters, & with them a telegram from Watkins announcing that Mrs Moule, the Bishop's wife, had died suddenly, & that the funeral would take place on Saturday in Durham Cathedral. As the trains would not permit me to attend that function, & fulfil my promise to preach to the troops at Saffron Walden on Sunday, I decided that my duty lay with the last, rather than with the first, & wrote to Watkins accordingly. The death of Mrs Moule may precipitate further changes. I doubt whether so uxorious a man as the Bishop will care to hold on, when his wife is no longer at hand to order him & the diocese! Lang will have an opportunity of securing such appointments as may revolutionize the churchmanship of the Northern Provinces! How quickly these things come about!