The Henson Journals

Mon 15 February 1915

Volume 20, Page 149


Monday, February 15th, 1915.

196th day

The Committee of Chapter – Dean, Treasurer, Librarian & Bayley – met in the Treasury at 11 a.m. Bayley had caused the various registers & catalogues to be set out for inspection: so far as the Charters are concerned, there seems little room for improvement; & for the Sacrist's Rolls & some kindred documents there is a slip catalogue of Stephenson. The post–Reformation records appear to be in great confusion. I saw for the first time the copy of Magna Carta with Henry III's green seal, a Bull of Innocent III (the only one with the 'bulla' still appended), and the charter to the University granted by Oliver Cromwell – a pompous parchment indeed. We decided that expert advice was necessary: that I shd "sound" Hardy on the point: & suggest an honorarium of £50.

After lunch Clarence & I motored to Hartlepool, viewed such relics of the bombardment as still remain, & returned by way of Wynyard. He returned to town by the night train.