The Henson Journals

Sun 24 January 1915

Volume 20, Page 131


3rd Sunday after Epiphany, January 24th, 1915.

174th day

Budworth celebrated at 8 a.m. Three boys were carried out fainting! At 10 a.m. the Cocken men turned up at the Military Service, & made a brave show. I preached to them in the teeth of a hail of coughs! Poole preached an excellent sermon at Mattins, in the course of which he alluded to the death of Mr Shafto. I celebrated after Mattins. At lunch we had a military party – Col. Grimshaw, Major Murray, his friend Gordon, & Jim. Also Mr Hardy of the Record Office. After lunch I took everybody into the library, & through the Cathedral. Major Murray told me that his father, the publisher, had sent the MS. of Byron's 'Childe Harold' to the Exhibition at Leipzig, and that it had been lost or destroyed. Inquiries as to its fate had so far proved abortive. Colonel Grimshaw brought a nephew, who had returned wounded from France. He had been one of the officers of the Durhams, to whom I preached at Cambridge. I attended Evensong in the Cathedral. Prof. How & his wife came in to tea. Then Jim & I walked for an hour.