The Henson Journals

Mon 11 January 1915

Volume 20, Page 121


Monday, January 11th, 1915.

161st day

General Gaisford went off by the 8.48 a.m. train to Newcastle. Then I sent out invitations to the services on Founders' & Benefactors' Day to the local peers, the High Sheriff, and the Mayor. Then I went into the town, & changed a cheque. Miss Liddell & Macdonald from Hartlepool were at lunch. Afterwards Marion & I went for a walk. Then I attended Evensong in the Cathedral. Pollard & his wife arrived about 5.30 p.m. After a premature & scanty dinner we all motored to Newcastle, where Pollard lectured on the Causes of the present war. There was a large audience. We motored back to Durham after the lecture, & were regaled unwholesomely on cocoa & cakes!