The Henson Journals

Tue 17 November 1914

Volume 20, Page 65


Tuesday, November 17th, 1914.

106th day

Foakes–Jackson came to breakfast. I motored to Sunderland, and lunched with Mrs Squance. Old Dr Morgan & Canon Goldsmith were of the party. After lunch we all went to the Town–Hall, where I addressed a meeting in the interest of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. The Mayoress (Mrs Richardson) presided. She is an Irish woman, from King's County. She tells me that a new motto has been suggested for the Irish Nationalist Volunteers: "Invincible in peace: invisible in war". Also she says (& this surprises me) that the Irish Priests in her district refuse to take any part in receiving the Belgian refugees, & warn their parishioners to do nothing. I attended the Mayor's meeting about organizing entertainment for the soldiers. It was numerously attended, & inspired by a good spirit. A committee of 7 persons including myself was appointed to prepare a practical scheme. Lillingstone arrived here to superintend his incoming.