The Henson Journals

Sat 14 November 1914

Volume 20, Page 61


Saturday, November 14th, 1914.

103rd day

A bright frosty morning. The reporter from the Newcastle paper came to beg the loan of my M.S.: which I granted exhorting him to return it today. I asked him why he had not enlisted, & he pleaded a wife & child, & also unsympathetic employers. It is a difficult situation. This afternoon I have to go to Thornley to attend the opening of some 'Aged Miners' Homes, and of course to make a speech. It is a relief to speak on another theme than the War. Ella accompanied me, and we carried out our progamme. The weather was bitterly cold, but, in spite of it, a fair number of the people came together, & for more than an hour listened to speeches in the open air. Old John Wilson spoke after his fashion: & then I spoke. After the function we went in to tea with Mrs Curry, the manager's wife. We motored back to Durham in time for me to go into the Cathedral, & see the Mayor, & Major Tristram, who were arranging with the Sacrist & Freeman for the seating of tomorrow's congregation.