The Henson Journals

Tue 10 November 1914

Volume 20, Page 59


Tuesday, November 10th, 1914.

99th day

Mr Gaymer, the contractor for the work in the Cathedral, called during the forenoon in order to fetch me to see the cracks in the vaulting, which had a truly alarming aspect when the plaster had been removed. Gee happened to pass through the Cathedral while I was talking with Gaymer, & I shewed him the operations. We went up to the triforium, & mounted the scaffolding. Canon Sykes lunched with me; and after our meal we attended a meeting of the Church Defence Committee. Then I attended Evensong in the Cathedral, cheered with the information that the redoubtable "Emden" had at last been destroyed. I dined quietly with Wilson. The rest of the company was composed of Sir Hedworth Williamson and Miss Wilson.