The Henson Journals

Sun 20 September 1914

Volume 20, Page 25


15th Sunday after Trinity, September 20th, 1914.

47th day

Bright sun, & showers of rain, autumn modelling itself on April!

Lillingston read the lessons & his declaration of assent, thus completing his preliminaries. I celebrated the Holy Communion after Mattins. A. L. Smith was in church, & sent me a pencilled note to say so, but he could not wait to see me. The Anthem in the Cathedral at Evensong was admirably sung. Immediately after service Ella & I motored to Stockton, where I preached to a large congregation in the parish Church – a hideous structure built in Queen Anne's reign, & since improved & embellished, said to seat 1500 people – I took for my text the grim words of St Paul: 'Be not deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap'. After service, we had supper with Canon Martin & his family in the Rectory. We arrived at the Deanery shortly after 10 p.m.