The Henson Journals
Sat 15 August 1914
Volume 19, Page 254
Saturday, August 15th, 1914.
I presided at a brief chapter to consider whether we should make a corporate contribution to the Fund raised by Lord Durham in connexion with the Prince's Fund. Watkins excelled himself in contradictory fractiousness, but finally I induced my colleagues to vote £250 on Oct. 1st, and a further contribution of the same amount (if required) on Jany 1st.
The "Times" has an article on Kitchener's Army Scheme, which is based on the assumption that the war will last for years!
The "Nation" prints my letter "Uncriticized Assumptions", in which I make some observations on Norman Angell's somewhat hysterical epistle of the previous week.
I met Mr Meade Falkner returning from Newcastle. He tells me that the menace of German spies is a real one. They caught one signalling near the Elswick works last night. The Tyne is a very tempting bait just now with 4 battleships practically completed.