The Henson Journals

Sat 23 May 1914

Volume 19, Page 195


Saturday, May 24th [23rd], 1914.

Immediately after breakfast I went to a barber in Prince's Street recommended by mine host & was by him trimmed & shampooed. Then, returning to the house, I joined my wife & Miss Gordon, & went with them to see the Exhibition of Pictures & Sculpture. This was not very impressive. We lunched at home, & then came away to Glasgow.

On the platform at Glasgow we were joined by McAdam Muir, who, unknown to us, had travelled from Edinburgh by the same train. Ella here left me, hastening to catch her train to Helensburgh. McAdam Muir & I went to 1. Atholl Gardens, through a deluge of rain.

At dinner were Sir Wm Bilsland, Rait now Professor of Scottish History, and Milligan. Also Miss Story. I had some conversation with Milligan about Sanday's Answer to Gore. He had read nothing beyond Denny's Review in the "British Weekly".