The Henson Journals

Mon 5 January 1914

Volume 19, Pages 99 to 100


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Monday, January 5th, 1914.

I revised & despatched a long signed article on Kikuyu to the "Manchester Guardian" in response to a request from the Editor. The "Times" today has several more letters, one from Rashdall attacking Gore with some asperity is the most notable.

The Choirmen came to dinner. Tucker, Nickson, & Knowling of the Canons: Dolphin & Hughes of the Minor Canons: Olaf Caröe & Jack Dennistoun also came, making up a party of 18. After dinner we adjourned to the billiard room: & then sang some glees in the drawing room. Everybody went home at 11 p.m.


“Heresy is not an error of the understanding but an error of the will.”

Jeremy Taylor. v. 360.

'It is not falseness of judgment that makes an heretic, but perverseness of will: neither is heresy any other than an error in faith with obstinacy.'

Bishop Hall. vi. 648.

It is a very lamentable thing that the imputation of heresy should be so frequent & familiar among Christians upon the account of different opinions only, which they are passionately in love withal, though no parts of the catholic faith.

Bishop Patrick vii. 115.

Issues and controversies: Kikuyu