The Henson Journals

Fri 10 October 1913

Volume 19, Page 15


Friday, October 10th, 1913.

Caröe went after an early breakfast, in the course of which he gave me much rather disconcerting information about Macartney & his methods. Raleigh took his departure at 11 a.m. for Edinburgh. Bishop Nickson came to talk to me about arranging my stable as a motor garage. I wrote a series of letters, & so frittered away the morning.

In the afternoon I attended Evensong in the Cathedral, walked with Logic, & had a long interview with Bishops Tucker and Tugwell. The latter is very decided in his condemnation of the liquor traffic in Southern Nigeria, & protests eagerly against Morel's laudation of the Mohammedans in that part of Africa.

Noel came & wrote letters after dinner.

Dr Edward Moore & his wife arrived by the late train. They are spending a 'sabbatical year' in Europe.