The Henson Journals

Sun 20 July 1913 to Sat 26 July 1913

Volume 18, Pages 384 to 385


9th Sunday after Trinity, July 20th, 1913.

A bright sunny morning with clear blue sky. The Archdeacon suggested that this clearness – so rare in this place – is explicable by the fact that the pits were closed yesterday. Watkins celebrated at 8 a.m., & I assisted.

I preached at Mattins from Romans XIV. 7. "For none of us liveth to himself; & none dieth to himself". Also I celebrated the Holy Communion.

After Evensong we all walked round the wood, & then into the Cathedral.


On Tuesday, Miss Curtis departed: on Wednesday, Miss Graham. On Thursday, Walter & his sister, & Angel Colenso. Olive's departure leaves a great void: her brightness & good temper make the house cheerful: & her singing is delightful.

On Friday, the 25th July, we went to Middlesborough, where I distributed prizes to the boys & girls of the High School. We stayed the night with Sir Hugh Bell, at Rownton Grange, Northallerton. He is the owner of Mount Grace Priory, the Carthusian house which I visited many years ago.

On Saturday, the 26th July, we were motored to Stockton whence we proceeded by train to Sunderland. We lunched with Mr Victor Williamson, & then I addressed a meeting in the Rectory Garden in the interest of the Waifs & Strays Society. We returned to Durham afterwards, arriving just in time to receive the Dean of St Alban's & his daughters, who are breaking their journey to Scotland by a week–end at Durham.