The Henson Journals

Sat 22 March 1913

Volume 18, Pages 310 to 311


Easter Eve, Saturday, March 22nd, 1913.

I attended the celebration at 8 a.m. & received the Sacrament. After breakfast I wrote at some length to Mr Wright of London, Ontario, giving him all the information I possess on the episode of my inhibition in 1909. He is equipping himself for conflict on behalf of Symonds. Also I wrote a letter to the "Times" on the Divinity Degrees question, which is agitating men's minds. Rashdall has a long and excellent letter in today's issue on the same theme.

I attended Evensong in the Cathedral, and afterwards laboured at arranging my books on their shelves, being assisted in the work by Mary Scott, who is spending Easter here with Linetta.


'He is a bungler in the trade, has been an indocile scholar of his dark master, the father of lies, who cannot make an assertion pass for a fact with an ignorant multitude'.

S. T. Coleridge.

Those who commence the examination of a system by identifying it with its abuses or imperfections, degrade their understanding into the pander of their passions, are sure to prescribe remedies more dangerous than the disease.

S. T. Coleridge.