The Henson Journals

Tue 21 January 1913

Volume 18, Page 264



Tuesday, January 21st, 1913. Oxford.

I called at the Deanery, & was fortunate enough to find Strong in his study. We talked for nearly an hour. Then I visited Watford & Spokes on the vain quest after a side–board. I bought two chairs. I lunched with the Omans, & then called on Olaf Caröe at Magdalen. He gave me tea & we had a pleasant talk for an hour. Next I went to All Souls & wrote letters, & then, calling in at Balliol to see Davis on the way, I walked back to the Orchard. Goudy came to dinner.

I am surprised & rather disgusted to discover that nobody knows or cares anything about the horrors in the Putumayo district. The Blue Book is unknown: the whole story is regarded rather as a distant legend than as an urgent question. I have been exerting myself to awaken interest & quicken consciences.

Issues and controversies: Putumayo