The Henson Journals

Thu 21 November 1912

Volume 18, Page 224



Thursday, November 21st, 1912. "Baltic".

We finished our packing, & bade farewell to President & Mrs Brown. McGiffert came in to say goodbye, & to thank me for yesterday's lecture. We were on board the "Baltic" before 11 a.m: & there received some telegrams & letters of farewell & good will. Bishop Boyd Carpenter & his wife & daughter came to bid us goodbye on the steamer. The "White Star" line civilly shifted us to better quarters, so that we had a cabin apiece. Lois turned up in very good time. So we made a pleasant start in the pleasantest of weather: The air was soft, & the sun bright: a gentle haze gave mystery to the huge sky–scraper blocks, which, as the sun smote on them, had the aspect of a vast palace. The Statue of Liberty made a brave show, as we swept by it: &, in short, we made an excellent beginning. Our motto is 'Carpe diem', & we boldly go to lunch!

The luck held throughout the day. Our cabin was exchanged by the bounty of the Company, so that we had a cabin apiece – very spacious & comfortable. I wrote no less than 9 letters answering congratulations. We dined comfortably, & went to our beds in peace.