The Henson Journals

Sat 5 October 1912

Volume 18, Page 90


Saturday, October 5th, 1912.

Another glorious day. We bade farewell to our hospitable friends, and took our departure. Leaving the little station of White Marsh at 10.51 a.m. we travelled via Philadelphia & New York to Williamstown, Mass: where we arrived a few minutes before 9 p.m. We were met at the station by a carriage, & driven at once to the president's house in Williams College. He is the eldest son of the well–known President Garfield. He tells me that he has decided to vote for Woodrow Wilson, though he has hitherto been connected with the Republican party. In 1887 he was in England, & worked at All Souls in the library. He knew many of my Oxford friends. His own subject is Political Science.

On both sides of the line the autumnal colours of the trees & bushes is brilliant, quite equalling the enthusiastic descriptions of 'the fall' in which Americans are apt to indulge.

The President here is fine specimen of a man: about 6 feet in height, square–shouldered, & well proportioned. He has a broad brow, kindly eyes, a strong mouth, & an air of candour & straightforwardness which is very taking. He expresses himself well, & gives the impression of a well–informed & wide minded man. On the whole, I must regard him as one of the best types of American it has been my good fortune to meet.