The Henson Journals

Sun 18 August 1912

Volume 18, Page 13


11th Sunday after Trinity, August 18th, 1912.

Read the Scriptures, not to engender questions, as very many do, but to produce peace, & to be the end of all controversies. To keep up discords when the Law & Gospel is in our hand to decide them, nay, to enflame the more because we have water from the Well of Life to quench them is Satan's imperial device; he is now grown so cunning to wring what he list out of the sacred text, that he presumes Scriptum est shall little hurt him.

Bishop Hacket 'A Century of Sermons' p. 285. London, 1675.

I celebrated in S. Margaret's at 8 a.m. There were 20 cts.

There was a considerable congregation composed of the most heterogeneous elements at Mattins. The voluntary choir of both sexes made (for their numbers) amazingly little sound, but the hymns were familiar, the congregation disposed to sing, & the organ coercive. I preached an old sermon on the text, "We walk by faith, not by sight". Compston celebrated afterwards; there were 59 comts.

S Margaret's was very full at Evensong. I preached again. The Offertory exceeded £8. Total for the day over £25.

Gilbert & I took affectionate farewell afterwards.