The Henson Journals

Sun 28 July 1912 to Sat 3 August 1912

Volume 17, Pages 456 to 457


8th Sunday after Trinity, July 28th, 1912.


The Holy Spirit of God, where it pleases Him to sow the seed of Grace, doth alter the very complexion & nature of the soil, & were our hearts as hard as flints, or as barren as the sand, he can make them as soft as wax, & as fertile as Canaan, or the Paradise of God. Create a new heart within me, saith the Psalmist. The Conversion of a sinner, is a kind of degree of Creation.

Hales. Golden Remains. p.276.

3rd Impression. 1688.

I celebrated in St Margaret's at 8 a.m. There were 21 comts.

The congregation at Mattins had a 'holiday' aspect, and was not more than a thirdrd the normal size. I finished the course of sermons on 'Problems of Organized Christianity', & begged for the 'Children's Country Holiday Fund'. The Offertory amounted to £32.19.6.

Mrs Taylor & Bailward came to lunch.

At Evensong I preached on the Putumayo Atrocities, taking the Blue–book as my text–book. The congregation listened with very close attention. The Offertory exceeded £14, bringing the total for the day to something over £47.

Clarence, Fenwick, Alec Beechey, Gilbert, Reggie, Baddeley & Angel were at supper. Also Lancelot Troutbeck.


On Tuesday, the 30th July, I completed the correction of the proofs of "The Creed in the Pulpit" – which pleases me less at every page. Then I walked into the City, & saw the manager of the Messrs Hodder & Stoughton, who told me that the volume would appear at the end of October.

After lunch I had a most evil hour with the dentist. Then Ella & I went to the Law Courts, & had tea with the Master of the Rolls in his room. Afterwards he took us to the Record Office, & showed us that most interesting building.

On Wednesday, Clarence Stock came to visit us. He is very full of the Eugenic Society's Congress, which has just concluded its sessions.

On Friday, the 2nd August, we lunched with Bailward in his rooms in Victoria Street.

On Saturday, the 3rd August, Professor Söderblom of Upsala, came to spend the week–end. He gave us an entertaining account of the Female Suffrage Movement in Sweden.

Issues and controversies: female suffrage