The Henson Journals

Sun 7 July 1912

Volume 17, Page 448


5th Sunday after Trinity, July 7th, 1912.

~~Every one, if he take due & thorough notice of himself, may know more evil of himself, than he can justly suspect of others. For men know their own inward parts: their very thoughts and imaginations: in which respect, though others commit more outward gross enormities than themselves, yet they are privy to such a sea of corruptions in themselves, that they have every one cause to say, Of sinners I am the chief.~~

William Gouge. 'God's Three Arrows'

p.7. [A.D. 1631]

Westlake celebrated at 8 a.m. I assisted. There were 18 comts.

There was a large congregation at Mattins. I preached on 'The Problem of Moral Discipline'. I celebrated the Holy Communion. There were 100 comts, among whom I noticed Sir Thomas Acland.

Professor MacLean with his wife & Miss Bovey (a very scare crow! [sic]) came in to lunch: also Helen Beeching, & Gilbert.

In the afternoon I wrote a letter to the 'Westminster Gazette' in answer to a hostile leader headed 'Saints & Sinners' which appeared in yesterday's issue anent an Alternative form of Committal in the Burial Service.

I preached again at Evensong.