The Henson Journals

Mon 8 April 1912 to Fri 19 April 1912

Volume 17, Pages 412 to 413


Easter Monday, April 8th, 1912.

I received four five–pound notes from Miss L. B. Cochrane with a note emphasizing the anonymity of the gift, & stating that it was 'for the poor & needy at your own discretion'. I wrote cheques to distribute it: £10 to J. W. Eisdell for distribution in Barking: £5 to Miss Graham: & £5 to Mr Fedarb to be added to yesterday's collections for the Strike Victims' Relief Fund.

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On Saturday, April 13th 1912 we travelled to Norwich where we stayed with Beeching at the Deanery. I preached in the Cathedral on Sunday evening. The nave was crowded. On Monday, the 15th April, we visited the Castle & some of the churches of the City. The next day, Tuesday, the 16th April, we journeyed to Aldeborough to visit the Sinclairs. We made a stay of 4 hours at Ipswich, visiting several churches & driving about the town. On Wednesday we saw the eclipse of the sun very conveniently . It was astonishing to observe that, as the sun's light failed, the tulips closed, & the birds sang their evensong. In the afternoon we motored to Framlingham, where we viewed the ruins of the castle, & the remarkable tombs in the parish church. Then we proceeded to Dennington, where we had tea with Eric Farrar. The parish church is extraordinarily interesting. There is some early painted glass, some wonderfully carved 15th century benches, a carved pyx cover of the same date, wonderful chantry screens, some medieval chests, & a priest's chamber. Also a tomb–stone with the inscription

Too bad for heaven: too good for hell.

Where he is gone, I cannot tell.

We returned to Westminster on Friday the 19th April.